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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Wright

2019: A Year in Review

I’ve been thinking over my last year of writing and the very loose goals I had at the beginning of 2019. Last January, I had three complete novels. One of which had been edited and had begun the query process. The other two were in the beta-reading phase.

My loose plans involved editing, querying, and writing something entirely new for Nanowrimo. I’m calling them loose because I never wrote them down or made detailed plans for them. They were in my head and all my writing time was spent with those goals in the back of my mind.

To recap: The two un-edited novels have now been substantially edited. More queries were sent out. I did write an entirely new novel for Nanowrimo—it remains unfinished for now.

I also joined Instagram and met a community of writer friends. And I’ve joined The Indie Wordsmiths. We’re a group of writer friends about to put out our first newsletter!


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So without writing lists and making intricate plans, I not only persisted toward the hazy goals in my mind, but went beyond them. I have to say I’m proud of that.

I have new and exciting plans for my novels for 2020. They’re not written down. They’re not resolutions. I don’t really do resolutions. But they are goals. And I know I can make it.

Check back next week for the next steps for my novels this year!

Happy New Year!

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